Significant events - whatever your beliefs. I'm sure we'll always recall the moment of of where we were when we heard yesterdays news. The now. The present moment. It's already gone.
Atha yoga anushasanam. The first yoga sutra - means yoga is now. Being present to the now.
Yet modern society encourages desiring more for less. Live life to the full. Hold on to our youth. Live your best life doesn't it?
Even though none of us know what is in store tomorrow, next day, or next year.
A dear friend of mine had a terrible accident this week. His injuries so great he had to be air lifted to hospital. Such a huge shock for all the family and friends. In a split second everything has been turned upside down. It's moments like these which really focus the mind. To be more in the now.
This week I've been looking at breath and the little pauses at the end of each part of the breath. It is those little pauses which help not only build strength, but make physical yoga more mindful and meditative.
On Saturday it's another full moon. Harvest Full Moon. Named so as the moon light helped farmers see better to harvest their crops. As the seasons come and go. Crops need to be harvested, sold and consumed. This is a true pattern of nature. Being in tune with ecology and the ebb and flow of natural rhythms.
Sustainability is such a buzz word as the world is running to catch up with impact of climate change.
I feel as yogi's being more present and aware of our social imprint and consumerism is important. So, I'm going to share a couple of ideas around being more sustainable. To support our own and others well being.
As living costs spiral, we all know of the impact on those much less fortunate than ourselves. The use of food banks continues to grow as more families struggle to make ends meet. Maybe this Autumn we could all give a little bit more to support our local food banks? I wondered whether it would be a nice idea if every time people came to a yoga class they brought an item for the food bank too? Without feeling the need to buy a bag full of stuff - collectively if we all brought something it would have more impact. Anonymous and completely voluntary. Food banks post on their website's the items they need.
From Saturday there will be another box at St.Andrew's in the Centre, as well as one in the church. There's one at St.Luke's and I will happily collate anything anyone wants to bring to other classes
Also, I'd like to share some ideas with you here about Autumn from Sebastian Pole's book A Pukka Life, around Ayurveda, which you might find this interesting. (See below).
Lastly, a couple of seasonal recipes from the River Cafe Cook Book Green and one of my favourite brands Arket, who've recently produced a lovely little vegetarian cookbook about eating in season. (Also see below).
In the meantime I'm looking forward to connecting with the season and lunar energy on Saturday.
