08.12.21 - Relaxation Techniques.

As a designer and yoga teacher I enjoy sharing my creativity with others.
I've always enjoyed making things. My family joke with me that I'm already onto the next project, my to do list is endless. Nothing stays the same for long.
It is so difficult to create time to relax. Properly relax. Without watching TV or maybe a glass of wine. On the journey of yoga being able to withdraw from our senses is actually the fifth process in an 8 fold path towards enlightenment. It comes after practicing yoga poses and breathing, as it is understood to be much harder to do.
Thankfully there are some practical things we can do to calm the mind and help us relax. One of them is to use an eye pillow which literally stops us seeing and being visually stimulated. Not only does the pillow cut out light and images but the gentle pressure on the eyes is very relaxing. Often eye pillows are filled with a mixture of rice and dried lavender which is the smell associated with calming the mind too.
In the 'create, make and do' section of the website I've shown the steps to make an eye pillow. Make sure you only half fill with rice so that it's not too heavy, and the stitches are small enough so that the rice doesn't spill out.
Try lying down on a yoga mat or even your bed. Make sure the space around you is comfortable and warm. Place the eye pillow over your eyes and enjoy being completely still. If you find your mind wondering, quietly bring your attention to the simple rhythm
of your own breath. Follow the breath in through the nose and out through the nose. No control. Just allow yourself to just be for a few minutes.
Enjoy. Namaste.