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It was the first New Moon of 2024 yesterday. A New Moon can be a symbol of new starts, new habits and a chance to change a bit like the New Year.

I'm not a fan of New Year though as I feel we put pressure on ourselves for it to be 'a good year', beginning on January 1st and a year is a long time.

What yoga has taught me and continues to do, is that each day and each moment, and each yoga practice is a gift.

As we start 2024 we may not feel that great about ourselves. Maybe we've over indulged, spent too much time sitting around? Not got off to as good a start as we hoped?

We're also entering in a different period of late Winter into Spring when nature shifts into a different mode.

In Ayurveda, we are all made up of a combination of different qualities. These are set even before we are born. They are called Doshas. We are a combination of 3, this is our constitution. You can do a little quiz to find out a bit more about yours. Here's a little one from the Pukka tea people.

One of the Doshas, Kapha, becomes more dominant at this time of year. When it's out of balance this can make us feel heavy, lethargic, a bit depressed and lacking in motivation. The natural tendency is to want to hide away and eat comfort foods.

However, Ayurveda which is know as 'the science of life', suggests we try to balance things out. So very simply, to shift some of this negative energy, by adding a little bit of heat 'Pitta' (fire in Ayurveda) and 'Vata' (air).

This is why I've approached my yoga teaching and practice in 2024 with these thoughts in mind. It might not feel easy though as we will want to gravitate to things which make us feel comfortable.

Here's a couple of simple ideas to shift things around and a link to explain more about seasonal adjustments.

~ Add a little spice to your diet. Ginger is especially good.

~ Drink warm water (teas are good for this).

~ Try getting up early and do some exercise.

~ Take a walk outside. Especially - if it's sunny grab some rays.

~ Don't beat yourself up with not starting the year as you hoped. Each day is a gift.

If you come to class we will be adding a bit of heat and looking at balance. If I don't see you. Have a lovely weekend.

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