You can't help but notice the richness of colour as the fall starts to happen.
Each year I take so many photo's, this being no exception.
I've been looking into is why leaves change their colour. It turns out they're influenced by different energies, like the weather, hours of light in the day as much as we are.
So, for any of you scientists please excuse the ignorance here. I wasn't into this at all at secondary school but I definitely have greater appreciation of the beauty of nature being older, as well as being a yogi, which makes the science more relatable now.
Leaves are the largest surface area of a tree a bit like our skin.
This is from Kew Gardens website:
Trees, like most plants, use a green pigment called chlorophyll to photosynthesise – that is to produce sugars from the energy of the sun, using water and nutrients from the soil. This is what gives trees the energy they need to live and grow.
In autumn, trees that lose their leaves for winter go through a process to shut down photosynthesis and reclaim as many valuable chemicals as possible. Chlorophyll is constantly breaking down and being replaced through summer, but this process slows down in autumn. This reveals all those other chemicals in the leaves that were hidden by the presence of the dominant green chlorophyll.
These include yellow flavonols, orange carotenoids and red to purple anthocyanins. The exact mixture of these compounds varies between species, and hence the degree of yellow or red colour in the leaves.
Apparently, this process is slowed down if the weather is damper and milder. Which means parts of a tree will change colour at a time. The best conditions to produce the most dramatic colour changes, where a tree can change all of it's leaves quickly, is lots of sunshine during the day but then the temperature drops suddenly to be really cold.
There's not much of that happening here recently.
Again, it's made me think about how much more connected to nature we really are.
From the moment we get up we are 'coloured' and influenced by everything around us.
I've mentioned before that our 'constitution' is set even before we are born and our own 'characteristics' can change or be influenced by many external factors a bit like the leaves changing colour on a tree.
It was a Hunter's Full Super Moon last night which light up the sky like a flash light. Because it's closer to the earth it makes it look 15% brighter and 30% bigger. This might affect your energy too?
As we embrace Autumn and change in energy and season, embrace the change and energy in yourself too.