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Updated: Nov 21, 2023

It's been a bit of a week. I've attended another funeral. Another lovely man whose life has been cut short way too soon. It's left a lot of broken hearts. There's a lot of heartbreak around. The desperately sad departure of Dame Deborah James who's story has touched so many. One of my favourite DJ's Lauren Laverne, lost her mum too this week.

There's no right way for dealing with grief. Going to another funeral stirs your own feelings, emotions and experiences. Especially, if the ceremony and tributes were as beautiful as what I was privileged to go to for Tim, on Monday.

As well as all this it was a New Moon on Tuesday which has particular significance at this time of year. It's poignant as it's exactly half way through the year just after the summer solstice last week. When there's a new moon the earth is at it darkest (as there is no moonlight) we can feel more connected to universal energy. From where we have come from. It can trigger our subconscious into feeling even more stirred or heightened. Here's a really interesting piece if you want to read a bit more

Oh my gosh, this week my dreams have been so visual and vivid. Even practicing yoga I've felt flooded with emotions. If you practice daily with me you might have noticed - I struggled to keep it together yesterday.

Interestingly, (and thank God), this week I've been looking at forward bends. We'd got up to Urdvha Padapaschimottanasa in my dailies If you use instagram you can see forward folding variations in my 'Tips for Tuesdays' at vikkiyoga25

Forward bends are often underestimated or overlooked - especially if we have tight hamstrings. Our ego sends us looking for more dynamic, advanced looking poses, when in fact these are the most primal. Our natural response to fear, or to protect ourselves, is to tuck in and fold forwards. Forward folding can help us draw focus in, help us feel more in control. Even help heal our broken hearts.

Noticing feelings is something I've been drawn to for a few months now and in particular to letting go. Recognising and feeling all the feels. This feels particularly significant this week.

I feel it's really important to connect with our true selves, and perhaps in the darker moments of the Cancer New Moon we've been able to get a glimpse of something closer to our truth. Perhaps even who and what we want to be.

I've never felt so intensely tuned into this before. As Jill Wintersteen describes in her feature, we should listen and receive the information from our subconscious. Take note of our intuition. Maybe allow ourselves to tap into our real soul (Citta in sanskrit). This can help us to better understand what we truly want from our lives. Our own legacy.

It's big stuff isn't it?


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