There's definitely something in the air this week. It's reminded me of that brilliant song by Phil Collins and the Cadbury advert. (There's a link at the bottom of this blog).
Whatever your view on the Monarchy I'm sure we all been drawn to the extraordinary events going on in London and around the country this week.
Things have definitely changed.
It's come at quite a poignant time in the changing of the seasons too. Last Saturday was a Full Harvest Moon. You can see in my previous blog how we're aiming to support our local food banks a bit better for 'Harvest', during what is set to be an increasingly difficult time for many more. This was reported on the Today show again this morning.
I love Autumn and the change in seasons. However, it brings some different energies, which feel perhaps even stronger this year? Some tips from Ayurveda might help us adjust a bit better.
Ayurveda is about the science of life. Which basically means how to live wisely. As Sebastian Pole describes in his book 'A Pukka Life', (the Pukka tea/herbs company), "It tells us what substances, qualities and actions are life-enhancing and what are not".
It is very complex but makes total sense at the same time.
There are 3 qualities in everything. We are made up of a combination of these which makes up our own constitution. Kapha - earth/water, Pitta - fire, Vata - air. These are doshas and are preset at birth but can be affected by external situations and circumstances.
We have had the hottest, probably longest summer on record and as the coolness and air of the seasons start to change around us it seems inevitable we are affected too.
I'm sure you'll all have noticed the changes in our environment but it can happen in our bodies too. Dry skin, feeling sinusy, asthmatic, arthritus or cracking joints?
The level of moisture in our bodies and how we process food according to Ayurveda can change too. In very basic terms most of us need oiling.
Pole writes, 'a little body oil, along with heavier woody scents like patchouli or vetiver can help balance the dryness out. As well as adjusting some of the foods we eat which can also increase the effects of vata/wind'. He writes, 'consuming less beans, fermented foods and yeast and avoid too much raw, and cold/frozen food'.

It's a bit like what I now need to do with my Blunstone boots to prepare for Autumn dog walks after months of sitting dirty and dried out on a shoe rack.
Yoga can help regulate this process too. Finding strength and stillness in practice. Twisting poses help to cleanse and detox as well as taking your head below the waist to switch things around and shift some negative energy.
I've had a whole new appreciation of trikonasana and parvrrita trikonasana this week. It's felt really right somehow. Being grounded. Finding stillness. Focusing on alignment. Finding space and length though the spine, before being able to twist. See my 'tip on Tuesday' reel or for a brilliant tutorial on the revolved version by Joel Miles .
Embracing change and nature.