So the second week 2023 almost done. Number two in Sanskrit is Dve, which is the second movement in the sun salutation, Surya Namaskar, following Ekam (one) which I looked at last week.
If you're reading this having read Ekam - please don't worry I don't intend to carry this theme through all my weekly share's. That would be way too dull!
However, two and dualism is quite an interesting part of yoga and Indian philosophy. This is a heavy subject and to be honest took me a long time to get my head around. In my simple layman terms Purusha is ultimate consciousness and Prakriti is matter. This is one of the main principles Sankhya philosophy which is one of the oldest and most influential of Indian thought. For more reading. https://www.yogabasics.com/learn/sankhyas-map-of-the-universe/
From the moment we wake up our minds are influenced by stuff around us which colours and changes the way we think. Not only that but our ego manipulates the way we think too. Discovering our 'true self' closer to divinity is part of the yogi journey.
When we covered this philosophy on my teaching training diploma way back in the early 2000's, it blew my mind. But I keep revisiting it as I feel it's an important part of the journey and these ancient texts are the foundations to the practice. I'm reading the kids versions of the Bhagavad Gita which is a little bit 'cheesy' but accessible.

One of the key messages which runs through this epic story helps us further understand Purusha and Prakriti. The Gita is considered a guide to help us live our lives in a more meaningful way. On the battle field, Arjuna is the Warrior who represents Action and is guided by Krishna who is the Charioteer/God representing Wisdom. No spoiler alert here - they are going to win against all the odds. 'Action with Wisdom is an unbeatable combo'.
One of the fundamental lessons we can all take from this is to take caution before acting too impulsively, and it's no good just talking the talk. Wisdom and Action need to work together.
Back to number two. Two qualities are the foundation to the physical practice that most of us are more familiar with. Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra 2.46 sthira sukham asanam which means steady and stable yet comfortable. As in the word Hatha. Ha combined with Tha means the physical practice of yoga, masculine (ha) combined with feminine (tha) energy. Ha also means sun and Tha means moon. Like Ida and Pingala nadis which are within our subtle pranic body and the way the brain has both logic and creative sides.
I'm sure it's no coincidence either that the second pose in Surya Namaskar is a standing forward fold. After setting the intention Ekam, one, Dve is a forward fold which not only physically challenges our flexibility, lengthens the back of the body, but if practiced with integrity, strengthens the core, develops increased hip mobility but more importantly turns our intention inwards. Turning inwards by folding forwards, helps to cut out external distraction bringing concentration inside.
This is yoga. Wading through Prakriti and listening to Purusha.