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Keep Moving


I've become increasingly motivated to help people keep moving and improve their balance following my dad's fall which caused quite a rapid decline. It is so important to keep moving and keep strong, fit and flexible especially as we get older and bone density and muscle strength reduces.

You may be aware (as I talk about them quite a lot) of my lovely yoga group on Thursday mornings at St.Luke's in Holloway. Many are in their 70's and 80's.

We practice quite a lot of chair yoga, but equally do resistance and strength work as well as lots of balancing. Ultimately, I'm trying to help them not fall. But also how to get up from the floor too!

This group is growing and they are bringing their friends, we also have a few coffee and cake sessions each term and it's really lovely to get to know each other better.

Last Thursday was the last session before we take a pause for August. We discussed keeping moving and a few really important exercises we do in the group. Also, how important it is to do these regularly. (Like yogaeverydamnday). One of my ladies said she tries to do something in the Ad breaks on TV. I thought this was genius. There you have it. 'YOGA IN THE ADS'.

I've sent them all a list of exercises to practice a few each day.

This has coincided with me getting a trapped nerve on Tuesday night. I must have lay awkwardly. I had a difficult night and getting comfortable was really challenging. I got up really early as I couldn't wait to get moving. I did some yoga then taught my online class and it started feeling a bit better.

After walking the dogs I went to a another weight bearing class at the gym and felt so much better after that!

It made me think about REST and injury. It is ok to rest an injury but not for too long, maybe not at all in some cases?

It's hard work keeping fit and strong. Yoga, strength training, cardio can take us out of our comfort zone and I feel it's really good if it does. Working through difficult sequences, keeping going when it's tough, not giving in or taking an easy option. Nor too much REST. As this is when things can so easily slip and we become weaker and more vulnerable. Too much REST can lead us to be RESTLESS even DEPRESSED.

We've got to keep moving. If you'd like me to share some Yoga in the Ads, suitable for ANYBODY, please let me know.

Have a lovely weekend X

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