A Leap Year. One extra day, once every 4 years. There are a few traditions associated with it. Here's a few from an article in Country Living magazine.
I've made my own tenuous link in classes this week by looking at Hanumansana, which is monkey pose, or splits. The mythological character Hanuman has 'super powers' and dedicated to Rama he uses these powers to rescue Rama's wife Queen Sita with a giant leap of faith from India to Sri Lanka.
If you'd like to read more about it here's an article from Yoga International https://yogainternational.com/article/view/the-mythology-behind-hanumanasana/
As with many yoga poses there's much more we can learn from this asana. The 'journey of yoga' takes time and patience. What we learn through practicing difficult poses like this requires an attitude of non attachment to the end result. The process is the the real progress. In doing this I really believe we discover something more about ourselves.
In the mythological story of Hanuman, he was devoted to Rama. The story is as much about his devotion which charged his super power to take the giant leap. If we dedicate ourselves to something how much more can we get out of it?
According to the Collins dictionary, if you take a leap of faith, you do something even though you are not sure it is right or will succeed.
There are loads of motivation quotes around a similar theme, here's one I particularly like. “Be willing to be uncomfortable. Be comfortable being uncomfortable. It may get tough, but it’s a small price to pay for living a dream.” —Peter McWilliams.
So, for me the lesson here is to not settle with the comfortable, sometimes you just have to tighten your belt, fasten up and go for it! However, out of your comfort zone it may be.
Take a giant leap of faith.
At the end of the day it is all down to us to reach our potential, both on and off the mat.