You may be aware that it's a full moon on Saturday. Easter is always the first Sunday after the full moon that occurs on or after the spring equinox.
I love the fact that despite all the horrors of war, awful humanitarian suffering, deprivation and poor governance here, the seasons still come and go.
The sun still rises and sets and the moon waxes and wanes. It reminds us that we are part of something greater.
In yoga the moon is associated with our mind and creative, softer energy. The opposite of the sun which is linked to the heart, circulation and heated vibrant energy.
In an article on Yoga International, Karina Miryoga writes, 'Many traditional cultures revere the moon as a manifestation of the divine feminine force in nature. According to yoga, this force also resides within us. Whereas solar energy is warm, active, and outwardly oriented, lunar energy is cool, receptive, and inwardly focused'.
I believe we all all creativity within us to various degrees.

I've always loved creative projects and challenges. Probably even more so as I've got older. Most of you reading this will know my former career was as a fashion designer. These days most of my creative energy is spent on interiors and the home. But I always try in bring a bit of this side of me into my yoga classes too. This is why I've included a little section on my website 'create, make & do', to be able to share a few ideas with you. Like darning and making eye pillows to the paper snowflakes and stars before Christmas.
So, inspired by the forthcoming full moon and a four day weekend I've just uploaded another little share onto my website for a DIY floating frame. As I thought it may inspire you just before the long weekend.
In my Easter Saturday morning yoga class we will be doing a softer moon flow to go with the energy of the universe. I will play some good tunes. We will try and trap a bit of that lunar, creative, mind energy in too, by practicing poses like shoulder stand and a bit of meditation.
If you're not doing the yoga class and are just reading this blog I'm sure you've got a few DIY ideas up your sleeves too? Perhaps allow them to be unleashed with energy from the full moon. And I'd love to hear what you get up to!
Wishing you all a lovely long weekend.