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Updated: Nov 21, 2023

I'm sure I'm not the only one who has felt angry and upset about someone close being mugged!

Some people for what ever their own reasons, have convinced themselves it's ok to take someone else's stuff. Entitlement. Put plainly, taking someone else's stuff is simply wrong.

In yoga there are guidelines of how we look after ourselves, treat others and live our lives. You may have heard of the yamas and niyamas. These are the first two limbs of Patanjali's eight limb path.

Astaya (the 3rd yama) translates as 'non stealing'. This is a basic human principle. But there is more to it than this. It means not taking anything which isn't freely offered.

See Yoga sutra 2.37, Which states the root cause of feeling the need to take comes from not feeling that we have enough.

One of my favourite teachers, Kino MacGregor, explains this all really well in a 2 minute video. If your interested - here's the link

Kino especially talks about appropriation. About being considerate of peoples time. Not paying a fair price for the things we buy. Running ethical businesses and not honouring the culture and teachings the yoga tradition has come from.

Something I've mentioned before and one of the key messages in the Bhagavad Gita is 'not to get caught up in what your hoping to get or achieve, but be present to the journey' and in doing the right thing. This is also Asteya. Because as Kino says nothing really belongs to us.

I feel it's ok to be upset even angry with those who blatantly steel someones treasured possessions. Things they've worked really hard in order to buy. These feelings will pass and 'things' can be replaced. Thank goodness the victim wasn't hurt.

So maybe it all comes back to being more in tune with our senses again? Living each day as it comes along and being grateful for the smaller, simpler pleasures which bring us joy and happiness.

Enjoy the sunshine.


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