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<< Rewind to go forward


Updated: Nov 21, 2023

Do you remember David Sylvian of Japan? On Mary Anne Hobbs' 6 Music show yesterday she shared his first public dialogue for around 15 years.

As I was driving back from my class I heard him talking about never looking back and focus on forward thinking.

It's one of my own mantras and my inspires my teaching. Some of you might have done classes where I've used a flow from a brilliant New Years Day class I did with Suzanna Hoffman, where from warrior you look back, leave what ever is bothering you behind, then look sideways (in warrior 2) to the present moment. Then look forward (in warrior 1) make a bowl shape with your hands. The symbolism to be open to whatever comes your way. It's really powerful.

I've just been to visit my friend who fell off the scaffolding a couple of months ago. He's had a relapse and been back in hospital, but now home again and trying to be positive going forward.

Life does knock us back and sometimes it's really hard to look forward.

On a family visit up North last weekend I've had real appreciation of my body this week. Especially my spine. Having done a lot of driving and feeling really stiff after hours at the wheel.

Keeping our spine healthy, mobile and strong is an integral part of the yoga practice. Whilst most of us spend a significant amount of time in forward flexion in day to day activities , we very rarely extend back.

Lateral flexion and twisting are often more accessible, but bending back less so for many. Having the courage and putting the time in to lubricate the back, open the heart, chest and throat can feel exposing. We can feel vulnerable. Things can come to the surface which maybe we've been dwelling on, or holding us back for too long.

Equally (and maybe more importantly) extending back can give us the momentum to move forward.

My friend was saying he liked the instagram this week showing some supported back bends. I've promised to help him look at some yoga moves like this when he's ready. He laughed. But many a true word is said in jest. And I truly believe that a bit of back bending will help him move forward.

So as the clocks go back this weekend maybe it's a good opportunity to use a bit of momentum. Fall back to go forward.


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