At the start of a new year it's a good opportunity to reset and re think. I wanted to encourage you (as I'm trying to do myself) to think about yourselves.
Many of you reading this are parents and it's all too easy to think about putting our children first, no matter how old they are.
I'm sure some of you too are carers like me (see previous 'No Pity' blog), whether it's for an elderly parent, or other relative. This can be so draining of our own resources.
I've been trying hard to look after myself a bit more. I'm really enjoying broadening my fitness regime again and sharing what I learn with you all too!
It feels like the world is changing ever faster. Since the pandemic a lot of our priorities have shifted. Our shopping patterns have changed and I think generally there's a greater appreciation for 'simpler' less extravagant living. We seem to be investing more in our homes and our environment.
It feels like there's a lot more soul searching going on and people are asking themselves questions like 'What truly matters?', or 'What makes me happy?'
Yoga has and is a massive support to me. I wonder what I would be doing without it. Every damn day. One teacher recently said in class that it stops her from being in jail!
But seriously, maybe at the start of a new year it's a good time to think about self investment because we often do so much out of duty, through guilt, or because we don't feel confident enough or worthy for anything better.
This is one of the reasons I have broadened my horizons into running different events because I really feel taking yourself out of your 'usual' environment helps you discover more about yourself. When we explore all our senses a bit more we can experience things a bit more fully. Perhaps discover something more about ourselves.
This is one of the key messages from the Bhagavad Gita. Yoga is the journey of the self through the self to the self. A journey of self-discovery, reflection, and realization
I'm so pleased to be running a a couple of retreats again this year, where we have opportunity to explore ourselves through our senses and go a bit deeper. There's a couple places left on the Norway Retreat, so please do get in touch if you're interested. It is a magical place, I can't wait to go back and share this experience with others.
I'm also running another One Day Retreat at PAUS. 29 June, to celebrate mid summer. There will be more information about this coming soon. Again do let me know if you'd like to be added to an 'of interest' list for this. Here's a link to PAUS.
I'm trying to finalise plans to run a 1/2 day pottery wheel throwing session with some yoga and refreshments, which should be fun. More information about this will also be available soon.
I will do my best to make sure all of these are multi sensory experiences to stretch you physically as well as exploring your potential.
In the meantime, try to prioritise some time for yourself. Maybe try something different? Treat yourself to a good coffee, book, magazine, movie, art gallery or other event. And have a lovely weekend.