How's your medial rotation? And how about your AC joint?
I wasn't too informed of these either, but what I have been aware of this week is shoulder strains and just how tight the shoulder's are of so many of my clients and people who come to class.
It's no surprise really, since we spend a lot more time in forward flexion, leaning over more than anything else we do. Also, lifting or pushing heavy objects can also cause some problems, (especially in the front of the shoulder) and lets face it through the pandemic we all spent a lot more time sitting.
Looking into this this week has given me new found appreciation of the arms and shoulders in the standing poses in yoga. A lot of the time we don't pay too much attention to the arms but the work in the standing poses is important preparation for some of the more challenging seated, bound poses.
One of the common issues I see a lot of as a yoga teacher is not being able to extend your arms back very far, or over your head in wide leg forward fold (Prasarita Padottanasana C). Also medial rotation in getting the hands together in prayer pose behind your back.
Here's my 'Tip on Tuesday' which looks at this.
It goes without saying that there are several things we can do to improve the range of movement but also it's equally important to strengthen the shoulders too.
Here's an excellent tutorial from Stu at Purple Valley and some brilliant strengthening (challenging work), from Kino MacGregor.
I hope you found this useful if only to bring more awareness to arms and shoulders not only in yoga but day to day activities too. I'll continue to look at some of these ideas in classes over the next few days. So maybe I'll see you on the mat.
Have a lovely weekend X