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Tree love


Updated: Nov 21, 2023

I love trees, especially at this time of year all the conifers, pine, spruce, firs with their spiky needles, shades of deep green and silver blue. The snow scapes from this week have been magical haven't they? Especially in our beautiful local woods I have the privilege of walking in every day.

See attached a couple of stunning photo's from the brilliant photographer Ansel Adams from one of my coffee table books Trees. Also a link to different types of Coniferous if you're interested.

Yesterday on the Today programme I heard Craig Bennet from the Wildlife Trust saying sometimes we forget that we are part of nature. It's so true. Some of these trees will be around long after we're gone.

Trees have become an integral part of Christmas too. One of my favourite things is buying a real Christmas tree. The smell, the ritual, even the drama of trying to fit it in the stand. Then to decorate with my collection of baubles from over 25 years.

You might have seen the instagram post I made about potted trees? I had this idea to have another go at nurturing a potted tree which I would put outside my front door. When looking into options I was surprised to see the reputable Northfields Nursery explaining why they weren't selling potted trees, as most of them don't survive. Whilst it was disappointing I was also really pleased that they were being so transparent with their customers.

This felt quite yogic in some ways. Like how teachers share their own experiences and learning with others. Also, we don't always like some of the things which are exposed on the mat especially weaknesses but I feel it's good to be honest with ourselves and accept what shows up.

Someone asked me this week why we do we do certain asana. And I re quoted Kino MacGregor who said recently is because some asana gets into parts of our bodies where there wouldn't otherwise be much movement. So it shifts blood and energy around. Cleansing, squeezing and nourishing.

Back to trees. Tree pose is a classic yoga pose about balance. What I love about all the variations is that there is not one perfect version. Moving in this pose is ok. All trees move. But it's often where we find our centre. As a balance it is usually practiced towards the end of a standing sequence. Balancing is a point in the practice where you can't think about anything else. In the true sense of yoga.

But also really important for feeling our foundations and roots in order to lift and rise up. Here's a nice feature if you'd like to read more.

In astanga yoga it takes on a slightly different form. Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana. Here's a younger Sharath Jois demonstrating the versions. It's a really brilliant way to practice 1/2 lotus and open often tight outer hips.

Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and enjoy your Christmas trees (whatever their variation). Maybe join me for a moment of quiet reflexion in my free Zoom Solstice class next Wednesday. Details below.


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