I know this has grown from the USA but on International Earth Day I thought I'd share a few ideas.
Fast Fashion
There is more focus on this, this year and I’ve referred to this in previous blogs, Darn it, and Old is the New, New - if you want to check these out. But here's a good article if you want to read more detail about this, as it can be quite confusing what fast fashion actually means https://pebblemag.com/magazine/living/whats-wrong-with-fast-fashion
But put simply, surely it can’t be right that t-shirts sell for £2 for big high street brands! Often only worn a few times, having been shipped half way round the world? There are so many other options now. This article in Vogue gives more advice
Single Use Plastic
I’ve enjoyed (and still am) looking into this. In my previous blog ‘Fill Up’ I shared a few discoveries. Since then I've also discovered Bower Collective which is great. I am not collaborated with them but I can share a friends discount. (See below).
We are lucky in North London to have a few options to re fill. Locally for me there’s Planet Organic, Peoples Pantry, Tony’s Continental and Amy’s. It’s not cheap and I still think there’s a long way to go before most consumers make the switch, but honestly it is very satisfying!
Energy, Fuel and Water Consumption
With the massive increase in energy costs we’re all starting to wise up about excessive use. And we’ve all reduced our carbon footprint post pandemic.
Going back to clothes again. Most items of clothing don’t need to be laundered every time they are worn. It’s actually bad for them. Also, something I’ve learnt to do over the years, (as I barely ever iron anything) is the art of shaking. This is brilliant from Levis
Also here's a useful item to prevent microplastics in our oceans https://en.guppyfriend.com/pages/guppyfriend-waschbeutel-faq#tab2
Weekly food planners are a great idea, but we’re not all that disciplined. I am lucky enough to live close to a very good High Street, so pretty much shop daily. It goes without saying that consuming plant based is so much better for our planet, as is consuming seasonal products. ‘One Pound - None Meat Meals’, by Miguel Barclay was a game changer in our house. Along with very informed daughters who are ‘hot’ on this subject.
I hope you all get the opportunity to appreciate our beautiful natural world today.